The podcast for work related low points for corporate employees!


The podcast for work related low points for corporate employees!


“Real conversations bring back the energy our work life has robbed us.”

Our society has lost the competence to conduct deep, soothing conversations. It has become a rarity to share our undivided attention with our peers. It has become a struggle for us to truly live life in the present moment.

Though we crave deep and true human interactions. We miss warm-hearted and deep connections. We yearn for an empowering togetherness to reach our hearts and souls.
‘Miracle of Coaching’ creates a space for us to hear our own struggles and being articulated in the stories of others.
Join me for an episode of the ‘Miracle of Coaching’ Podcast and listen to other people’s raw, pure and unedited coaching conversations to bring the highest level of human interaction back to your life as I coach (former) international corporate employees who are looking for fulfillment in their lives, or struggling to make their ideal life happen.
When we listen to a real and deep coaching conversion, our own mirrors neurons are activated and a self reflection process is triggered. It’s amazing to observe what fountain of information of helpful hints for you, the listeners, is gushing out of yourself.
Whether you…
  • feel constantly overwhelmed or unmotivated at work,
  • are you pretending to be happy,
  • not truly passionate about your corporate career, but don’t know what else to do,
  • seek a restart in your work life, but you buried underneath doubts and/or worries and struggle to make it happen?
Then ‘Miracle of Coaching’ is for you!
Durations are round about 60 minutes.

 ‘Miracle of Coaching’ with Mareike Schönig – SEASON 1.

S1 E4: 'Beruflichlich frei sein, trotz finanzieller Verpflichtungen’

mit Micha
Ich habe meinen Beruf und die Anstellung frei gewählt und mich zwingt keiner da zu bleiben, ausser der Gedanken, dass ich ja das Geld brauche.” – Micha

Micha’s Motto für 2020 ist #freiheit. Er hat sich mit seinem Partner just ein Haus gekauft, möchte sich nun auch beruflich frei fühlen und seine Anstellung gegen eine Selbstständigkeit tauschen. Doch Micha hat sich durch den Hauskauf finanziell auf lange Zeit gebunden und die finanzielle Last lähmt ihn die Selbstständigkeit vollends weiter zu verfolgen.

In dieser Episode “Beruflich frei sein, trotz finanzieller Verpflichtungen” geht es fast philosophisch um Werte wie Freiheit, Zeit, Geld und Selbstbestimmung und was uns unterbewusst daran hindert diese auch in beruflicher Hinsicht völlig auszuleben.

Hier kannst du mehr über Micha herausfinden:

54 mins

S1 E3: 'Take the first real step to execute my business plan'

with Fatima-Zohra Lagssir

My circumstances may have played a role in who I am, but they shouldn’t affect as much who I turn out to be.” – Fatima-Zohra Lagssir

Fatima found her true passion in teaching English. She feels like she is ready to execute her business plans, but something is holding her back from taking the first real step to make her passion a reality.

In this episode “Take the first real step to execute my business plan”, it’s all about what impact inner voices can have on the realization of our dreams.

The unveiled clarity feels extremely sad and liberating at the same, so make sure you give it a listen!

Get to know her better under:

60 mins

S1 E2: ‘Make virtual assistant work feel like a real business’

with Shan

I knew I had things that were holding me back but I think I try to avoid those things sometimes.” – Shan

Shan quit her corporate job and moved to Vietnam. She aims to establish a nomad lifestyle but she is struggling to make her Virtual Assistant Services feel like a real business.

In this episode “Make my virtual assistance work feel like a real business”, it’s all about the courage and confidence needed when turning a business dream to reality.

This session has a very different vibe compared to the previous one as every client brings a different personality. Make sure you give it a listen to find out what part of you is triggered this episode!

46 mins

S1 E1: 'Loose weight to gain energy to be more productive’

with Anna Chashchyna

The struggles are not written on our faces.” – Anna Chashchyna

Anna is her own boss and works a lot. She feels her eating habits are in the way of being more productive and is ready for a change.

In this episode “Loose weight to gain energy and clarity to be more productive”, it’s all about the unveiling the connection between work and eating habits.

There are a lot of deep insights and aha moments, so give it a listen!

Get to know her better under:

61 mins

Apply now to become my future coaching podcast guest!

Are you an international corporate employee, who lives a successful life, but senses that perhaps there is more in life and are you ready + willing to make a chance towards living a fulfilled life?

Do you feel constantly overwhelmed and unmotivated at work or are you pretending to be happy?

Do you feel you are not truly passionate about your corporate career, but don’t know what else to do?

Do you seek a restart in your work life, but you buried underneath doubts and/or worries and struggle to make it happen?

Fill out the form below to become my next podcast coachee!

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Disclaimer: Your identity as a podcast guest can be kept entirely anonymous (fake name, fake country, …), however your voice will be your original one.

Are you an international corporate employee, who lives a successful life, but senses that perhaps there is more in life and are you ready + willing to make a chance towards living a fulfilled life?

Do you feel constantly overwhelmed and unmotivated at work or are you pretending to be happy?

Do you feel you are not truly passionate about your corporate career, but don’t know what else to do?

Do you seek a restart in your work life, but you buried underneath doubts and/or worries and struggle to make it happen?

Fill out the form below to become my next podcast coachee!

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Disclaimer: Your identity as a podcast guest can be kept entirely anonymous (fake name, fake country, …), however your voice will be your original one.

“There is a lot of work in pretending to be and feel ok, when you actually aren’t”

Mareike Schönig

ICF-certified JOY OF WORKING Coach
Naturopath for Psychotherapy


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Coaching, self-coaching or counseling does not replace psychotherapy. Mareike Schönig Coaching reserves the right to decline requests and reference to medical doctors.

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